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Writer's pictureThe Alexanders

Camping at Joshua Tree National Park. Blog | 5

Joshua Tree National Park was the first trip on our list once we made it to California. The incredible desert park is home to beautiful geological features and the signature Joshua Trees. You have most likely heard of it or seen it in pictures. We wanted to see if it was worth all of the hype.

Since Tierney did not get her schedule until her first day working at the hospital, planning ahead was a little bit difficult. Joshua Tree is an extremely busy park, camping in the park is extremely difficult without reserving a spot in advance. Fortunately, there is BLM land just outside of the park. For those that don't know that is, the Bureau of Land Management which offers free camping at a first come first serve basis. This was perfect for us since our trip would be spur of the moment as soon as Tierney had a few days off in a row.

With our biggest hurdle figured out we began researching the hikes and sights we would like to see. We use an Website/App called All Trails. It helps you find the perfect hikes wherever you are headed. With filters such as difficulty, distance, and sights you will see on the hike, it is the perfect tool for new or avid hikers. Unfortunately, like most national parks, Joshua Tree only allows dogs on a few of their trails, and since we were bringing our pups the selection was limited. We chose our hikes and the other parts of the park we wanted to see, then we waited.

Tierney finally got a schedule with a couple days off in a row, and it was time for our trip. We were finally going to be able to go on our mini vacation. We loaded up the Jeep the night before with everything we may need. We had just received a lot of great new camping gear from our wonderful friends and family at our wedding shower that we were excited to use. We stopped at wal-mart on the way out of town to load up on trail snacks, jugs of water for us and the puppies, and mini propane bottles for our brand new camping stove. After Wal-Mart we were on the road an hour and a half to Joshua Tree National Park.

We made it to the area around midday and picked up a pizza in town at Pie For The People, to later eat in our tent. The small town is about 30 minutes from the park and the land where we staying so we did not want to back track later. Before setting up camp we decided to drive around the park since we only had this day and the next. We hoped maybe we would get lucky with a camping spot inside the park, but we also wanted to take in the sights. We discovered that the internet is not wrong, Joshua Tree National Park is incredibly beautiful. Unfortunately, the internet also let everyone else know and it is packed with people so there were no camping spots available. After cruising around the park and taking in the views we headed to our campsite.

We arrived at the BLM land as the sun was setting. We had lost track of time in the park and had to set up our tent using the Jeeps headlights in order to see. After the tent was set and the air mattress was blown up we could finally relax. One of the best parts of camping and getting away from civilization a little bit is the view of the stars. We took in the view and fell asleep under the stars with an early morning ahead.

Our last day at Joshua Tree started early as we woke up before sunrise. We got everything packed back up and headed into the park. We quickly found a rock formation to hike up and watch the sunrise. As the sun rose and reheated the desert sand we were so happy to be right there at that moment. After the sun rose we got back in the car to head to the hike we had chosen. Since we had our dogs, the hike was more of walk down a gravel road to Keys Ranch. A ranch homestead in the middle of Joshua Tree, it is through a beautiful Joshua Tree filled valley. We reached the end of the trail and looked from afar at this old farmstead that used to be the home of a family. What it must have been like to live in a place like this.

We headed back to the car to head to the overlook point. We arrived there as it began to sprinkle down rain. A rare occasion in this desert terrain, but we walked up and took in the view for a few moments before heading back to the safety of the car. With smiles on our faces and a new love for Joshua Tree National Park we headed back home. You don't have to go to a national park or drive a far distance, but get outside, see something new, and keep on experiencing the beauties of this world.

Happy Easter everyone, we hope you spent it with the ones you love.

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1 opmerking

05 apr 2021

Beautiful pictures. We will need to add this to our bucket list. We also love getting up to see the sun rise where we visit. And we were thrilled when we arrived at the Grand Canyon years ago right when a storm arrived. We have pictures of the Canyon with a rainbow. Love you all.

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